October 16 Bingo Dedication

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Volunteers Needed

Helping Children Start Their School Day Without Being Hungry

Children who eat breakfast are better able to focus, spend more time on tasks in the classroom, and earn better marks.

Romeo Public School plans to begin a Breakfast Program in January, two days per week. Students will drop in for a quick, simple, nutritious breakfast.

To make this possible we need you!

Support Required:

  • Minimum of 2 volunteers each day of operation.
  • A volunteer to purchase the food each week, keep track of the food being used and what needs to be ordered.

A criminal reference check is required. Training and support will be provided. If you can help, please contact:

Felicity at 519-275-3104 or fsutcliffe@fsph.ca

Monday, November 24, 2008

Noon Club Once Again Indebted to Festival City

Rotarian Carolyn Dingman (the blonde) with another happy customer.

Hi President Jack,

It's a pleasure to send a note of appreciation from our club for your club's recent involvement and assistance at the subject event. This is another example of how our cooperation promotes the greater good. Early reports suggest this year's show was the best ever.

Thanks again, to Festival City Club.

Stan Malcolm. R. C. of Stratford

Monday, November 3, 2008

President Jack Builds Secret Government UFO Landing Pads

Editor's Note: A secret government project will take President Jack away from the Club until Christmas. Our crack team of investigative journalists have discovered that Jack will be helping to build UFO landing pads for the coming invasion (just in time for XMAS). His letter to the Club is below. Just replace "wind turbines" with "UFO landing pads". It will make more sense that way.

Dear Rotarians

McNeil Surveying Ltd. has been engaged in the quality assurance role of the construction of 20 concrete and steel foundations for wind turbines in Kent County. This is one of my areas of expertise as I was involved with 38 of them in Bruce County last year. The concrete pours where I have to be present are scheduled for tuesdays and fridays till Christmas. We have 3 completed now with the 4th scheduled for next tuesday.

I will keep in close contact with Kent and Etienne to fill in for me when required. I do expect some cancellations due to technical problems and weather which would make me available for some meetings. At some point it may be that I will not be required on the actual concrete pours on tuesdays and only do testing after the foundations are in place. This would again open the tuesday mornings for me. It is a 200 km drive to site so we leave at 5:30 am and depending on the progress of the job, we are home around 6 or 7 in the evening. There are 8 morning meetings till Christmas. My best guess is that I may be absent for absent for 4 - 6 of these meetings.

The foundations weigh 1,035 metric tonnes. They tend to compress the earth underneath as the 405 cubic metres of concrete is poured. The connection point which is a steel cylinder weighing 15.5 tonnes balanced on jacks is maintained to a tolerance of 1.5mm of being perfectly level for connection to the future 80 meter shaft of the turbine. We have specialized equipment capable of measuring to one/tenth of a millimetre. Each turbine will generate 2 megawatts of electricity.

This will not affect the other areas of my rotary involvement, ie; board meetings, working Bingos and food vending next weekend.

I am hoping that this will not be too much of a problem as I know that we have a good team. Please feel free to contact me with any concerns or questions you may have.

kindest regards


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

New Member - Jean Aitcheson

Past President Etienne welcomes new member Jean Aitcheson to the Club. 

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Playboy Tomas

Rotary Exchange Student Tomas "Magnum" Almeida gets one more ride in the Club's Ferrari. Remember to watch out for those white speed bumps some people call swans!

Friday, September 5, 2008

New Member Recruitment

Club President Jack asks a Hooters Girl to join the club.  How many people have you propositioned lately?

Photo credit: Donna West

Thursday, September 4, 2008

People Are Excited About Music Man

Wherever I go, I am approached by excited people asking about our Rotary Brunch at the Queens Inn on Sunday, October 19. Brunch will be served at 11:30 a.m. but, of course, you must come half of an hour earlier to look at the items of the silent auction.

We will have an exciting speaker from the Theatre to give us an inside look at the comings and goings of the stage. Following the brunch and the auction, we will be going to the Avon Theatre for the play "Music Man".

Tickets are available at $115 for the brunch and the play till September 17 with proceeds going to Rotary Projects.

Please call President Jack West at 519-273-1005 or email me at west@cyg.net. If you would like tickets to this wonderful event.

Monday, July 28, 2008

A Note from Kelly and Sharon

I have received a very nice card from our District Governor.


Dear Rotary Club of Festival City

We thoroughly enjoyed our Governor visit to your City and Rotary Club. Your involvement in the El Salvador Literacy Program truly demonstrates the committment of your Club to the goals of Rotary. Thank you for your generous donation to Polio Plus. It is the finest show of support you can give us. Your warm hospitality made us feel very welcome.

Make Dreams Real

Kelly and Sharon

P.S. The coffee is delicious

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Festival City Donates $1,000 to RI Polio Fight

Carolyn Dingman presents a cheque to District Governor Kelly Fotheringham on behalf of the Festival City Rotary Club in the amount of $1,000 to continue Rotary International's fight against polio.

Small but Mighty!

District Governor Visits Festival City Rotary Club (and Survives)

District Governor Kelly Fotheringham and Mrs District Governor Sharon Fotheringham visited the Festival City Rotary Club at its last meeting. Kelly is shown here holding the mighty club standard, as Sharon holds Mr. Rab-bit, Club mascot.

District Governor Kelly brought greetings and a message from the new RI President D.K. Lee. He reminded us that over 30,000 children die each day from preventable causes. President Lee wants to give special consideration to preventing these fatalities. Rotarians might consider funding smoke detectors in homes, purchasing car seats, and providing literacy programs.

Governor Kelly also reminded the Club about the Bill and Melinda Gates donation of $100 million to RI to fight Polio. RI must match this amount within three years. So far RI has raised over $20 million. $80 million of the Gates donation has been spent. Polio occurs in only four places now; India, Pakistan, Nigeria and Afghanistan.

Also RI President Lee wants Rotarians to recruit more members. Ask associates, friends and neighbours to join Rotary. Also consider making a donation to the permanent fund or to annual givings. After holding donations for three years 50% of the donation comes back to the district for projects. Donations are used to fund Ambassadorial Scholarships, Group Study Exchanges and World Peace Fellowships.

District Governor Kelly reminded the Club what it means to be a Rotarian, as we hold the line against the darkness, and push back.

Small but Mighty!

(Shamelessly plagiarized from Vince Hill's Club Newsletter - 22 July 2008)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Rotary Baby Isabel Catherine Shantz-Walsh

The Shantzs are proud to announce the arrival of Isabel Catherine Shantz-Walsh. She weighed in at a healthy 7 lbs 4 oz (3300 grams) and measured in at 50 cm long (19.75 inches) with a full head of brown hair.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Return of Exchange Student David B

(L to R) Rotary Exchange Student Tomas Almeeda (Brazil), former Exchange Student David Betancourt (Columbia), Outgoing Exchange Student Curtis McCord and Outgoing Exchange Student Frances Maranger pose for a picture.

CBR and Mr. Rab-bit Return

After a long absence, the Club was happy to see the return of Rotarian Carolynn Bart-Riedstra and Mr. Rab-bit, Club Mascot.

Carolynn's surgery was successful and Mr. Rab-bit had a brief holiday frolicking with dust-bunnies under Barb's desk.

The hostage negotiations with the Noon Club have been canceled. Odd that they both turn up on the same day.

Welcome back CBR and Mr. R!


Rotarian Diane Yundt holds the new Festival City Club Standard. Also known as the Battle Bunny Ensign, the Standard is said to strike terror into the hearts of men and small white poodles. A Noon Club member was heard to say "I'm afraid" while gazing on the terrible visage of the Standard.

The Club Standard will proudly march at the head of the Festival City Rotary Club Marching Kazoo and Bubble Pipe Band.

Small but Mighty!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Peter Gets Luck with an Inflatable Toy!

Peter Moreton beams with delight as he wins the meeting's door prize. The disappointment was evident on many Club member's faces as Peter claimed his new inflatable pink flamingo.

Be sure to come next week for another chance to win an even better door prize at the next meeting of the Festival City Rotary Club.

Manufacturer's Warning: Not to be used as a floatation device Peter!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Word Lady Event - Canadian Word List

Here is the entire list of all Canadian words with their possible meanings. Only one is correct. The key can be found at the bottom of the list. No cheating Ms. Moreton and Ms. West!

a) A small igloo used as an outhouse.
b) An Eskimo greeting.
c) A breathing hole made by a seal through sea ice.
d) A type of glue made from seal liver.

a) A noisy celebration or party.
b) The noise made during a cat fight.
c) Ridges of ice formed on and around shorelines.
d) A tomcat serenade.

a) An illegal blow below the belt in boxing.
b) The soft, brown belly fur of a moose.
c) A boiled pudding of flour, molasses, soda and seal-fat.
d) A belly flop dive.

a) The rear portion of a large semi-aquatic rodent native to North America.
b) A flap of a diver’s wet-suit.
c) A deep-fried, flat pastry served in the Ottawa Valley.
d) A brand of wine from Pelee Island.

a) A rabbit skin scarf worn by the Voyaguers.
b) Something you do with your spouse.
c) A hooded sweatshirt with a front pouch.
d) A deadly attack directed to the throat made by a rabbit with big pointy teeth.

a) A prank telephone call.
b) The art of making Ukrainian Easter eggs with elaborate and intricate designs.
c) A beverage made from spruce beer, molasses and dark rum.
d) A type of lizard that lives in the Badlands of Alberta.

a) A form of lacrosse played in an enclosed area with chickens.
b) A dance among the Kwagiulth tribe in which the main dancer is inspired by the spirit of Elvis.
c) A newcomer, tenderfoot or greenhorn.
d) A variety of West Coast salmon.

a) Slang for a condom in the Maritimes.
b) A guy who lived beside Wayne Young.
c) A sweet sauce of boiled molasses, milk, sugar, vinegar, and cornstarch.
d) Charles Coady, a famous Newfoundland sports announcer.

a) The small edible piece of skin behind the jaw of a cod.
b) The Atlantic Ocean
c) Nonsense
d) A blow to the back of the head.

Digby Chicken
a) A psychotic poodle named Larry.
b) A whale steak.
c) A tiny smoked and salted herring.
d) A seagull prepared with Shake-&-Bake™.

a) A musical instrument with strings of graduated length stretched over a trapezoidal sounding board or box.
b) A variety of semi-soft cured cheese originally made by Benedictine monks in Quebec.
c) A grove of trees.
d) As in “Drink, drank, droke”.

a) A heap of wooden shoes.
b) A gathering at which participants pound new wool to raise the nap, usually with signing, and dancing.
c) Salted cod and potatoes with bacon bits and onions.
d) Boiled tulip salad.

a) Dry hair with split ends.
b) A small country in South America.
c) A fine individual ice crystal.
d) A spiral coating of maple syrup on pancakes.

a) A member of the parrot family native to Newfoundland.
b) An aquatic bird native to the West Coast of Canada.
c) A type of stew containing potatoes, meat, fish or seafood.
d) A deep fried Mars™ chocolate bar.

a) Having fungus like qualities.
b) Slang for underwear.
c) A deep-dish blueberry pie.
d) Spoilt beer.

a) A sticky lure decoy used in duck hunting.
b) The type of glue used on duct tape.
c) A large burrowing clam found in British Columbia.
d) The last stone thrown in a curling game.

a) A bog or swamp.
b) The name of the Inuit tribe that create the mukluks.
c) An important yet overbearing person.
d) My boss.

a) A small worm found in North America glaciers and icefields
b) A mythical worm said to inhabit Northern ice.
c) A type of cocktail.
d) All of the above.

a) A traditional Quebecois folk dance involving sheep.
b) A traditional Quebecois folk dance involving drinking copious amounts of beer.
c) Toffee made by applying hot maple syrup on snow.
d) The webbing of a snowshoe.

Molson Muscle
a) The group of arm muscles required to drink from a bottle of beer.
b) A sheaf of wheat.
c) A pot belly.
d) An energy drink.

a) Zamboni driving penguins.
b) A troupe of clowns.
c) A trickster hero in Ojibwa myth.
d) A snowman.

a) The art of using porcupine quills to decorate clothing.
b) Yellow snow.
c) A little owl doll made of sealskin.
d) A malicious water spirit in Cree myth.

a) A type of Inuit singing using deep rhythmic sounds.
b) A variety of apple grown in the Okanagan Valley.
c) A small silvery fish that is a member of smelt family.
d) Cow tipping.

a) A folk hair restoration tonic. (See Peter Moreton for more information).
b) An inflated seal skin used in walrus hunting by the Inuit.
c) Winter madness
d) The name of Billy Bishop’s WWI plane.

a) A baby penguin.
b) A hot dog covered in cornmeal batter, deep-fried or baked, and served on a stick.
c) A naturally occurring topographical formation found commonly in areas of permafrost.
d) Seal flipper pie.

a) One hell of a booze-up.
b) Inuit for “Yellow snow” or “Don’t eat”.
c) An evergreen plant of the wintergreen family.
d) A hangover.

a) The feeling when your underwear rides up.
b) Slang for a diaper in New Brunswick.
c) A tread, cord, or thong made of rawhide.
d) An Eskimo diaper

a) A mechanical apple peeler.
b) A rocket powered toboggan.
c) A hut or shed.
d) A wild party.

a) Big or strong.
b) Solid or indestructible.
c) Impressive or good.
d) All of the above

a) A moose call.
b) A type of pastry strudel.
c) Chewing tobacco.
d) Smoked moose meat.

Solomon Grundy
a) One of the Fathers of Confederation.
b) An idle or ineffective person.
c) A dish of salted herring marinated in vinegar, spices, sugar and onions.
d) A bulbous plant of the genus Hippeastrum with snowy white or red flowers.

a) A type of sucker found in Newfoundland.
b) A brand of wine from Pelee Island.
c) A thick drink made from crushed buffalo berries.
d) A really bad haircut.

a) A pond of frogs.
b) Frogsicles.
c) Boots or big feet.
d) Deep fried ice cream balls in batter.

Stubble jumper
a) A helicopter.
b) A combine harvester.
c) A prairie farmer.
d) A dull razor.

a) A toque made for small dogs.
b) A toboggan made of birch bark.
c) A calf-length coat made of beaver or caribou skin.
d) A piece of bone used to fasten a garment.

a) A hat with netting using in apiculture (beekeeping).
b) A type of cart used by the pioneers on the prairies for harvesting wheat.
c) A small, delicately flavoured fish.
d) A colony of honey bees.

a) Mischievous elf-like creatures in Cree mythology that create the Chinook wind.
b) The windshield of a ski-doo.
c) A ridge of snow, gravel, etc. heaped along the side of a road by a snowplow, grader, etc.
d) A type of fiddlehead fern.

Key: Always "C" unless there is an "All of the above" in choice "D".

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Talking Hat Bingo

It was a bit embarrassing to Queen Elizabeth II on May 16, 1991 when only her hat was visible above the podium and microphones during her speech to the Joint Congress of the United States. With a stiff upper lip her response of "I do hope you can see me today" brought thunderous applause and laughter from the U.S. Lawmakers.
Come celebrate this Friday with the hat bingo. Yes, this momentous event will require a hat and you may be required to answer trivial questions about this event. For instance how many U.S. Congressmen boycotted the Queen’s address and why?
The Talking Hat Bingo starts at 5:00 pm. With great appreciation, this is the list of the bingo team.
Etienne L.
Carolyn Bart-Reidstra
Linda Jones
Dianne and Wayne Yundt
Vince Hill
Ken Hansen
David Harvie
Jack West

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Brazilian Bobsledding Team

Rotary Exchange Student Thomas signs up for training with the Brazilian Bobsledding Team. Look for Thomas on the medals podium at the 2010 Olympic Games in Vancouver!

Festival City Rotary Rules!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Defibrillator Cheque Presentation

Club President Etienne presents Mr. Brad Hernden of the City of Stratford with a cheque for $20,000 towards the purchase, installation, training and upkeep of the defibrillators for public buildings in Stratford. Mr. Chris Keyser of Perth County Medical Emergency Services holds a defib unit, as Club Member Jack West looks on.

Small but Mighty!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Exchange Student Thomas - Alive and Well

Rotary Exchange Student Thomas displays his jacket of many pins, as President Etienne looks on with envy. If you have a pin for Thomas, be sure to bring it to the next meeting of the Festival City Rotary Club.

The Club Welcomes Lynn Bowering

President Etienne (right) and Carolynne Bart-Riedstra (left) welcome Lynn (middle) to the Club. Lynn was previously a member of the Rotary Club of Brantford (not appearing in this photo).

Be sure to attend her classification speech.

Welcome Lynn!

Photo credit: Peter "Camera Monkey Boy" Moreton.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Defib Presentation to City Council

Join President Etienne at City Hall on Monday evening, April 14, 2008 for the presenting of the cheque to city council for the purchase of the Defibrillators. Perth County EMS paramedics will also be doing a demonstration of the units to council.

Please be at the Council Chambers by 6:45 to obtain a seat.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Club Welcomes Denis

President Etienne presents Denis Beatty with a Club membership certificate. Denis transferred in from the Noon Club and his classification is Food Consultant.

Saturday, March 15, 2008


by Duke Dunlop

The Stratford Citizen

Two years and two weeks ago a meeting took place in Beatrice Jordan’s office at the Kiwanis Centre. A Rotarian asked the Deputy Director of Community Services about Automated External Defibrillators (A.E.D.s). Her response was that she wanted them for the recreation facilities. However, there was never any room in the budget for the purchase of the units.

The Rotarian belonged to an organization of 23 people who met every Tuesday morning at the Queens Inn for breakfast, fellowship and to share ideas on helping communities locally and around the world. The Rotary Club of Festival City was looking for a signature project. Although they worked with other Rotary Clubs and were part of many larger undertakings with other charities, they wanted to tackle a project where there was a need not being addressed. Stratford appeared to be an island surrounded by a sea of communities with A.E.D.s already in place including St. Marys, Milverton and Listowel.

It became apparent that there were different stake holders who would be affected by the installation and future use of the A.E.D.s. The Rotarians had entered an unfamiliar world.
Community Services lead by Beatrice Jordan wanted the units but at the same time, the Human Resources Department was very concerned about possible liability with the misuse of the machines. Lottery license staff at City Hall also hoisted a red flag up the pole; they had authority on how the Rotary Club used the revenue they earned from working at the Bingos. They also were concerned with liability; what would happen if someone who was not a paramedic grabbed it and used it?

The idea of A.E.D.s with public access in Stratford was a new concept and the last thing City Hall needed was another law suit. Each City Department had their own jurisdiction and concerns to protect and serve the Citizens of Stratford, what the Rotarians needed was coordination between the departments. Background information on the success of defibrillators from across the province was compiled and sent out to the Mayor and the departments involved.
The Rotarians had things in place by the end of 2006. . Early in the following year a meeting was organized with the Mayor and Brad Hernden of the Community Services Department. Brad had taken over from Beatrice as she was fighting a terrible illness which claimed her life in March of that year. Mayor Dan Mathieson gave his full support for the project and soon after the Rotarians had approval to use their Bingo funds.

The province was also stepping up to the plate by installing A.E.D.s in their buildings and developing "Good Samaritan Legislation" which would eliminate the liability issue which many people feared. They were now providing funds with the Heart and Stroke Foundation. A County wide committee was formed chaired by Linda Rockwood of Emergency Medical Services for the County of Perth to coordinate the purchase and locations of A.E.D.s.

The idea now is that everyone will have access to the A.E.D.s in the event of an emergency. Information sessions will be available for people interested in learning about what they do and how they work. The first meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 26 at the Rotary Complex in Community Hall C.

The Rotary Club of Festival City was the leading service club providing a grant of $20,000 for the purchase of six units at various locations in the City of Stratford including the Kiwanis Centre, Rotary Complex, Lion’s Pool, Library, Municipal Golf Course and City Hall. Contributions from other organizations allowed for the installation of A.E.D.s in other venues including the Festival, and Avon Theatre. A total of 25 defibrillators are being installed across the County of Perth.

The Rotarian who met with Beatrice Jordan that day in February of 2006 has only one regret. "We would never have proceeded with the A.E.D. grant without her foresight and encouragement. I wish Beatrice could have seen the completion of this project."

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Katherine Barber interviewed on CJCS, March 13/08

Not sure what a lexicographer does or why Canadians need their own dictionary? Are you a fan of Katherine Barber, Canada's Word Lady? If so, listen to CJCS 1240 Radio on Thursday, March 13 at 8:15 am when Katherine is interviewed by Eddie Matthews. Katherine will promote the Festival City Rotary Club fundraising event on May 14, 2008 at the Festival Inn. For more information about this event scroll down to "the word lady cometh". Katherine's wit and knowledge talking about Canada's cultural differences and the need for our own dictionary ensures that the upcoming event will be a lot of fun.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Don't Be Alone

The Festival City Rotary Club will join the Tavistock Rotary Club at its Monday night meeting on March 10! The meeting starts at 6:15pm at Quehl's Restaurant, 33 Woodstock St. South, Tavistock.

The Club's regularly scheduled meeting for Tuesday March 11 at the Queen's Inn is cancelled.

Small But Mighty!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Niagara Suspension Bridge Bingo - March 8

Saturday, March 8, Bingo

On Saturday, March 8, our Bingo will celebrate the anniversary of the opening of the Niagara Suspension Bridge in 1855. On March 8 of that year the 23 ton locomotive "London" passed from one nation to another. The bridge deck deflected 3.5 inches in the middle with the weight of the engine which was acceptable.
The bridge is no longer there, it was replaced in 1897. So come on out on the 8th , and celebrate this double decker suspension bridge. Don’t keep the sergeant at arms in suspense, sign up right away for this honourable duty by emailing me at west@cyg.net.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Rotary Presidential Peace Forum

On April 25th -- 27th, 2008 Rotarians and peacemakers from around the world will gather in Windsor, Ontario at a Presidential Peace Forum to share, celebrate and create peace initiatives. This North American event is the fourth and final in a series that have taken place this year in Bulgaria, Turkey and Africa.
Rotary Youth Day will kickoff the festivities, followed by a Community Parade of Nations that will welcome Rotarians, International Peace Scholars, and other business and community members from across the globe as they come together to celebrate hope for world peace.
Other events include a spectacular Peace Concert and a Multicultural Civic Celebration. Rotary International President Wilf Wilkinson will open the celebration in an Open Air Ceremony, on the riverfront overlooking Canada and the United States. Keynote speakers will include Honourary Chair, Allan Rock, HRH Prince Zeid Ra'ad, Jordan's Ambassador to the United States and Nobel Peace Prize Nominee, Lloyd Axworthy
Don't miss this incredible opportunity to learn, to share and to celebrate peace. Register today at rotarypeacesummit.org

Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Word Lady Cometh

Did you know we have 2,000 words in the English language that are strictly Canadian and are not swear words?

Find out how you can help protect endangered Canadian words like "pipsissewa", "cheechako" and "molson muscle" with the Festival City Rotary Club of Stratford, as it presents An Evening with Katherine Barber, Editor-In-Chief of the Canadian Oxford Dictionary on Wednesday May 14 at the Festival Inn, 1144 Ontario Street, Stratford, ON.

Katherine is best known as the Word Lady on CBC Radio's Metro Morning. She is also an accomplished author with a number of books to her credit. She has written Six Words You Never Knew Had Something To Do With Pigs,and Only in Canada You Say. She is the author of over 11 Canadian dictionaries. She is known for her lively and engaging take on the history of our language. Her hobbies include ballet, gardening, choral singing and cooking.

Tickets are $40.00 (CDN) each.

30% of Book Sale proceeds will go to Club's local and international literacy projects.

Cash bar at 6:00pm and Dinner at 6:30pm.

For tickets contact Etienne Leushius, Club President at 519-276-0205.

Small but Mighty!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Party Down with the RI President Wilf Wilkinson!

Party on, down and back up again with Rotary International President Wilf Wilkinson (affectionally known as the Big Gear Head to Rotarians around the world), on April 24th at the London Convention Centre, 300 York Street, London, Ontario. Cocktails 6:00pm, Dinner at 7:00pm.  Dress: Business Attire. Earlier Bird tickets are $85.00 before February 15. Losers can expect to pay $100.00 per ticket after February 15.  Rabbits eat for free!

Contact Jan Delaney (jdelaney@london.bbb.org) for ticket orders.

Come be inspired!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Club Welcomes Susan Allen

The Club welcomed Susan Allen as a new member. On Susan's left stands her sponsor, John McNeil. On her far left is President Etienne holding the club mascot. On Susan's other left (right) is Rotary Exchange Student Thomas.

Susan will make a great member. Welcome aboard.

Small but mighty.

Monday, January 28, 2008

David Asks Geromino Stilton to Join Rotary

In another attempt to increase membership in the Festival City Rotary Club, David asks Geromino Stilton to consider joining.  

Who have you asked laterly?

Saturday, January 26, 2008

THOMAS HAS ARRIVED from Brazil.......

On Thursday, January 24th 2008, President Etienne wrote:
We met our Exchange Stundent, Thomas Almeida at the airport yesterday and brought him to Stratford. I think it will take a while for him to get used to the cold, but this is Canada.
He saw snow for the first time and made a snowball. He is eager for new experiences, so we'll take him to Blue Mountains on the weekend and get him on a snowboard ! Thomas will be at our Tuesday meeting. Please take the time to introduce yourself and make Thomas feel very welcome. It will to great to have Thomas invited to your homes for a visit and/or meal. Also, think to include him on any outings. Thomas' English skills are very good, so communication is not a problem.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Kate Goes Away

Kate Parkins, our Rotary Exchange Student, joined the Club for her last visit before returning home to South Africa. 

Kate had many adventures during her stay in Canada. She learned important survival skills, such as: snowshoeing, not to eat yellow snow, how to hunt moose, and how to order coffee at Tim Hortons.  Her exploits to fight global warming by restoring the polar ice cap using penguins to drive zamboni were the stuff of legend.

The members of the Festival City Rotary Club wish her all the best in her future endeavours and extends its invitation to come back anytime for a visit.  We'll miss you Kate.

And the Winner is.....!

Kent Chisholm was the lucky winner of the Pedro Monkey Sock Hat at the 2008 inaugural meeting of the Festival City Rotary Club.  Great door prizes like this are available every week.

If you don't come, you can't win!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Majla Custo: A Rotary Youth Exchange Story

Click here to see the video about Majla Custo's experience as a Rotary Exchange Student.  

Carol Rock reminds us that this is the reason why Rotary is involved in Youth Exchanges.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Adult Learner Award 2006-7 - Rita Vittoria

The Festival City Rotary Club was pleased to award its Adult Learner Award for 2006-2007 to Ms. Rita Vittoria. Club member Susan Thomson (middle with antlers) announced the award on behalf of the Club.  Mr. Rab-bit, club mascot, (right) presided over the award ceremony.

Ms. Vittoria was noted not only for her high academic achievements, but also her tenacity, positive outlook and big smile.

Congratulations Rita on completing your diploma. 

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Don't Miss the First Meeting of the Year!

Be sure to attend the first meeting of the Festival City Rotary Club on Tuesday January 8th at 7:15 am and have a chance to win this fabulous door prize! (David not included).

See you there.