October 16 Bingo Dedication

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Talking Hat Bingo

It was a bit embarrassing to Queen Elizabeth II on May 16, 1991 when only her hat was visible above the podium and microphones during her speech to the Joint Congress of the United States. With a stiff upper lip her response of "I do hope you can see me today" brought thunderous applause and laughter from the U.S. Lawmakers.
Come celebrate this Friday with the hat bingo. Yes, this momentous event will require a hat and you may be required to answer trivial questions about this event. For instance how many U.S. Congressmen boycotted the Queen’s address and why?
The Talking Hat Bingo starts at 5:00 pm. With great appreciation, this is the list of the bingo team.
Etienne L.
Carolyn Bart-Reidstra
Linda Jones
Dianne and Wayne Yundt
Vince Hill
Ken Hansen
David Harvie
Jack West

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