October 16 Bingo Dedication

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

District Governor Visits Festival City Rotary Club (and Survives)

District Governor Kelly Fotheringham and Mrs District Governor Sharon Fotheringham visited the Festival City Rotary Club at its last meeting. Kelly is shown here holding the mighty club standard, as Sharon holds Mr. Rab-bit, Club mascot.

District Governor Kelly brought greetings and a message from the new RI President D.K. Lee. He reminded us that over 30,000 children die each day from preventable causes. President Lee wants to give special consideration to preventing these fatalities. Rotarians might consider funding smoke detectors in homes, purchasing car seats, and providing literacy programs.

Governor Kelly also reminded the Club about the Bill and Melinda Gates donation of $100 million to RI to fight Polio. RI must match this amount within three years. So far RI has raised over $20 million. $80 million of the Gates donation has been spent. Polio occurs in only four places now; India, Pakistan, Nigeria and Afghanistan.

Also RI President Lee wants Rotarians to recruit more members. Ask associates, friends and neighbours to join Rotary. Also consider making a donation to the permanent fund or to annual givings. After holding donations for three years 50% of the donation comes back to the district for projects. Donations are used to fund Ambassadorial Scholarships, Group Study Exchanges and World Peace Fellowships.

District Governor Kelly reminded the Club what it means to be a Rotarian, as we hold the line against the darkness, and push back.

Small but Mighty!

(Shamelessly plagiarized from Vince Hill's Club Newsletter - 22 July 2008)

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