October 16 Bingo Dedication

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Youth exchange

Yesterday we picked up our new student from Brazil, Marina Bruschi. You can welcome her at our meeting Tuesday morning. Her English is great so be sure to have a chat. We went to the TD bank to set up her account and a nice young man who was helping her began to speak to her in Portuguese when he found out she is from Brazil. Turns out he was a Rotary Exchange student to Brazil in 1999 - 2000. Small world!

Tuesday Marina will be going to St. Mike's to make her course selections and to the Health Unit to see if she needs any additional immunizations.

We are looking for theatre tickets as she is an avid drama student/fan.

Kate is back

Kate Parkin is in town for the wedding of her host family sister. She is staying with the Rocks and will be here until Sept. 10. We are looking for theatre tickets for Kate also.

Tuesday we will hear from Phoenicia (rebound from France) and Audrey (rebound from Belguim). You won't want to miss this meeting.


Anonymous said...
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deraz said...

خدمات مكافحة حشرات الشارقة 0567410494 التاج الملكى
أهم الخدمات التي تقدمها شركة مكافحة حشرات الشارقة
تقوم بعمل خدمات لجميع العملاء لكي تعمل على طرد الفئران المزعجة شركة مكافحة الفئران الشارقة
وتساعد على الحماية من الأمراض الكثيرة خاصة للأطفال، فالفئران توجد في المنزل وتعمل على تخريب وأكل الأثاث فلابد من الإتصال على الشركة على الفور لكي تقوم بعمل اللازم لطرد الفئران من المنزل نهائياً.