October 16 Bingo Dedication

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Computer Literacy Survey Findings

In early September, the Club Administration Committee conducted a survey to identify the level of computer literacy among club members. 23 Club members completed the survey. These are the findings:

  • 48% consider themselves to have an intermediate knowledge level of computers.
  • 26% consider themselves to have an advance level of computer knowledge.
  • 17% consider themselves to be beginners.

  • All but one respondent said that they have high speed (broadband) Internet access.

  • 91% of the respondents use their computer daily.

  • All respondents have email accounts.

  • 83% of respondents have made purchases over the Internet

  • 83% of respondents have visited the Club Blog, but only 44% have posted to the Blog.

  • 48% use text messaging on their phones

  • 43% have Facebook accounts and only 1 member has a Twitter account.

  • One member thinks that she "is a little bird - tweet, tweet, tweet."

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

YEX News

Next Tuesday we will be interviewing for 2011 outbound exchange students. If you would like to help with interviews please call me at 271-0737. We will be interviewing 5 students.

Marina, our inbound from Brazil did a 4 hour shift at the pancake breakfast on Saturday. She is keen to be involved with Rotary projects. Good job Marina.

On Monday Marina had an appointment at the Health Unit to get a booster shot. Thankfully she survived.

Her next host family will be Jack and Donna West. We are so pleased that Jack is finally getting a "daughter." We are still searching for a third host family. I would love to host but as YEO I'm not allowed.

Also, for those who cannot host for any reason, please consider inviting Marina for a meal or a movie or other outings. She is keen to see a hockey game.

On October 22 all of the District 6330 YEX students will be in Stratford to go to the theatre. We still need some billets for 1 night. Please contact me if you can take 2 or more students.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Youth exchange

Yesterday we picked up our new student from Brazil, Marina Bruschi. You can welcome her at our meeting Tuesday morning. Her English is great so be sure to have a chat. We went to the TD bank to set up her account and a nice young man who was helping her began to speak to her in Portuguese when he found out she is from Brazil. Turns out he was a Rotary Exchange student to Brazil in 1999 - 2000. Small world!

Tuesday Marina will be going to St. Mike's to make her course selections and to the Health Unit to see if she needs any additional immunizations.

We are looking for theatre tickets as she is an avid drama student/fan.

Kate is back

Kate Parkin is in town for the wedding of her host family sister. She is staying with the Rocks and will be here until Sept. 10. We are looking for theatre tickets for Kate also.

Tuesday we will hear from Phoenicia (rebound from France) and Audrey (rebound from Belguim). You won't want to miss this meeting.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Club Awards Online

A number of Club awards and citations have been digitized and uploaded to the Club's Flickr account. They are available for viewing in the photostream on the right side of the blog page.

Monday, August 23, 2010

FC Rotary Club Hospital Donation

On August 6 the new emergency, imaging and operating departments were officially opened by the Minister of Health. Our committment is sponsorship of the women's treatment room in the emergency department.

Tivoli Team

Thanks to all who helped in any way with the Tivoli Boys.

It was a great community service effort. Especially thanks to
Jack who arranged the Goderich and Mitchell appearances, Linda and Margie who helped with
the lunch on Thursday, and all the host families.

Tivoli Boys Guard Band Hosted By Club Members

A number club members had the opportunity to host young lads from the Tivoli Boys Guard Band from Denmark last week.

Carol Rock has provided the following photos of their appearance at the Mitchell Corn Festival.

Jack Joins a Boy Band

Rotarian Jack West joined the Tivoli Boys Guard Band. Seen here in his beaver skin busby, Jack enchanted the crowd with his lyrical vuvzella playing, while enraging animals rights activists, all at the same time.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Lynn McInnis Will Return

Club Member Lynn McInnis, seen here in her last known photo, is reported to be alive and well, and will return to the Festival City Rotary Club in September. So don't call the OPP Jean. Hurry back Lynn, some of us miss you.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Sleeping Children Around the World

Festival City Rotary received a thank you letter and picture of the children that the Club sponsored through a past donation.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Langley Ukulele Ensemble

The Festival City Rotary Club was visited by the Langley Ukulele Ensemble at its 20 July 2010 meeting. The Ensemble, which is appearing in Stratford Summer Music, played a number of tunes to the delight of the Club members, as well as Peter Moreton.

Members of the Ensemble are seen above as they pose with Mr. Rab-bit, club mascot.

Merger talks with the Great Unknown Festival City Rotary Club Marching Kazoo Band continue.

Law and Order - Stratford Style

Deputy Chief of Police John Bates of the Stratford Police Services made a presentation to the Club about policing in the community.

Exchange Student Lucas Goes Home

Rotarian Kevin Gormely wishes Lucas all the best as he returns home to Poland as this exchange year comes to an end. Good Luck Lucas! Try to find a better barber in Poland, OK?

Sunday, July 11, 2010

2010-2011 Festival City Rotary Board

President: Linda Jones
Past President: Kent Chisholm
President-Elect: David Moore
Vice President: Dianne Yundt
Treasurer: Etienne Leushuis
Secretary: David Harvie
Public Relations: Lynn Bowering
Club Adminstration: Jack West
Community Services: Ken Hansen
R.I. Foundation: Carol Rock

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Regime Change

Linda Jones ascended to the Presidency of the Festival City Rotary Club on 29 June 2010.

At her first Club Assembly, President Linda revealed the names of her junta members, vowed to expung the Club of all rabbits, and root out the mysterious but world famous Festival City Rotary Club Marching Kazoo Band.

Wait till she hears about the Club's secret Vuvuzela Precision Marching Band.

Congratulations President Linda!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Lynne Gets a Special Literacy Award

Assistant District Governor Charles Hammond presents Club Member Lynne Ternosky with a Rotary International Literacy Award in recognition of her work on the Club's El Salvador Project.

Congratulations Lynne!

A Double Double PHF for Cheryl and Mark Moore

Club President Kent Chisholm (r) confers Paul Harris Fellowship Awards on Mark and Cheryl Moore in recognition for their support for the Club's international activities and community projects.

Congratulations to Mark and Cheryl! Timbits for everyone! Hurrah!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Geraldine Ketchum Joins Rotary

Geraldine Ketchum was inducted into the Festival City Rotary Club by President Kent Chisholm on 20 April 2010.

Welcome aboard Gerry. Ask the Membership Chair about her Rotary tattoo and how you can get one too!

Small but Mighty!

Nobody Comes to Visit

Ms. Carlson and members of her class visited the Festival City Rotary Club on its April 20th meeting to present their Nobody Doll Project. The Nobody Doll was the impetus for a number of projects by the students.

Vanessa described her Conservation Project to the Club.

Jack described his involvement in saving gorillas through the World Wildlife Federation.

Connor spoke on his project involving raising funds for Leukemia research.

Sam described his project on recycling and raising funds for the Shriners' Hospital.

Patrick spoke about the plight of Child Soldiers and how we could help.

Cameron described his efforts to raise money for cancer research by putting on a concert.

Congratulations to Ms. Carlson's Class for a job well done!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Hudson Bay Company Bingo - 9 April 2010

This bingo on Friday April 9, 2010 will be in honour of an event that led to Canada's sovereignty, for it was on this day in 1869 when the Hudsons Bay Company ceded its vast territory known as Rupert's Land to the Dominion of Canada. If this had not happened it is quite possible that Canada could have been called the Bay or Zellers. The majority shareholder and President of this corporation is now owned by billionaires Anita Zucker who is the widow of Jerry Zucker who was one of the top 400 richest people in America. Thats right the vast drainage area of the Hudsons Bay could have been owned by an American from South Carolina and called Zellers.
In honor of this event please wear furs or other Hudsons Bay apparel. Watch out for PETA protesters.
On a side note Hudson Bay explorer, surveyor and cartographer David Thompson was never properly compensated by HBC for his fine work and maps. He died penniless in Montreal in 1857.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Peter Moreton is NOT Elvis

This recently unearthed photo provides documented proof that Peter Moreton is not Elvis. Etienne's search for Elvis continues. Rumours that Elvis is a member of the Festival City Rotary Club continue. Who could it be?

Monday, March 22, 2010

David Cramton Goes For a Bike Ride

Club Member David Cramton, as part of the Bonita Bay Bicycle Club (BBBC), is riding across America. David will be posting updates of his (mis)adventures on his blog called Lee's Riders. A link to the blogsite is located on the right panel under Important Links.

Would someone in the Club send David a kilt to wear?

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Etienne's Search for Elvis

Etienne continues his search to find Elvis at Graceland.

Legend has it that Elvis was originally buried in Forest Hill Cemetery in Memphis. After someone attempted to steal his remains, his body was moved to the Meditation Garden at Graceland. Unfortunately the hearse carrying the body was hijacked by a gang of kilt wearing motorcycle riders, who found nothing but an empty coffin containing empty beer cans and donut boxes. Jack West and Kevin Gormley still deny any involvement in or knowledge of this attempted hijack to this day. The knowing smile on Etienne's face tells us that mystery of Elvis' whereabouts continues.

Elvis was a Rotarian. Long live the King!

If you know where Elvis is, just comment below.....

Saturday, March 13, 2010

President Kent Escapes from a Tribe of Headhunters

President Kent currently in New Zealand sends this short communique about his recent adventures:

just a quick email to let you know that we are having a great holiday
will be heading up to the tip of nz tomorrow and have covered all of the south island and the north.
attached is picture, i have been captured by the maurie warriers and they are threting to eat me
not to worry i have an escape plan
will be home shortly
thanks for all you do for rotary

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Curling Teams Beats Noon Club

Our Club's Curling Team once again triumphs over the Noon Club in the 2010 Stratford Service Bonspiel. Led by Bill Helmuth (R), the team of Etienne, Dianne and John stole shots, ends and games for their opponents to place 5th out of 8 teams. Congratuations to the team! Well done!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Rotary Fundraiser Valentine Dinner

Pictures from the Club's Valentine Dinner Fundraiser, hosted by Kevin and Kim Gormley at the Old Rectory Bed & Breakfast.
Kevin working hard over the stove preparing the gourmet dinner.

Lucas, Kim and Dianne helped serve the meal.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Nothing Runs Like a Deere Bingo

Hello Bingo Team

It was the mid to late 19th century when Canada and the United States expanded settlement and agriculture through the western plains.

Our Bingo honours the man who was born on February 7 in the year of 1804. A man who started his working life as a black smith who noticed that the cast iron plows did not do a very good job in the stiff clay soils. He came up with better plow blades made of polished steel which cut through the soil much more efficiently (the self-scouring plow). His implement was known as the "plow that broke the plains." John Deere was the founder of the largest farm and construction equipment manufacturer in the world.

This bingo honours the man who is responsible for spreading the green and yellow machines of steel throughout the world. Feel free to wear green and yellow accessories or clothing for the bingo. I am told that Carol Rock has a closet full of the stuff.

see you there


Name the Duck Book

At this morning's meeting, Laura Pogson solicited possible book titles for the Club's Literacy Project. Please note that "Slow Death by Rubber Duck" has been taken.

Suggested titles mentioned at the meeting were:
  • Duck and Disorderly
  • Duck and Cover
  • "Platypus" is just another name for a furry duck.
  • The Duck who came to dinner and stayed as the main course.

Please use the comments feature to make your suggestions for the book's title.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

XMAS Rotary Board Meeting Spy Photo

Intercepted surveillance video of the XMAS Board Meeting of the Festival City Rotary Club.

Our intelliegence experts believe that alcohol may have been a factor.